Twenty First Sunday of Pentecost
The Lord is in this Place & I Didn’t Know It
Twentieth Sunday of Pentecost
Jacob & Esau
Nineteenth Sunday of Pentecost
The Promise Continues
Eighteenth Sunday of Pentecost
Where is the Lamb?
Seventeenth Sunday of Pentecost
Beware of Sin
Sixteenth Sunday of Pentecost
"God has made laughter for me."
Fifteenth Sunday of Pentecost
Fire & Brimstone
Fourteenth Sunday of Pentecost
For the World
Thirteenth Sunday of Pentecost
The Sign of the Covenant
Twelfth Sunday of Pentecost
God & Hagar
Eleventh Sunday of Pentecost
Beatitudes: Blessed are those who Hunger & Thirst for Righteousness
Tenth Sunday of Pentecost
Beatitudes: Blessed are the Meek
Ninth Sunday of Pentecost
Beatitudes: Blessed are those who Mourn
Eighth Sunday of Pentecost
Beatitudes: Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
Seventh Sunday of Pentecost
Sarai, Hagar & Abram
Sixth Sunday of Pentecost
“He believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness...”
Fifth Sunday of Pentecost
The God of Covenant is Your Shield
Fourth Sunday of Pentecost
Abram - Warrior & Worshiper
Third Sunday of Pentecost
Persistent Sin
Second Sunday of Pentecost