Our Rhythm of Life Together

Our rhythm of life together as a church follows the pattern of Worship, Formation, Mission, and Culture.


Worship is the primary activity of our church. It is the rational for creation and the goal of redemption. We believe that a day is coming when our present fallen world will be engulfed by the New Heavens and the New Earth, where shalom will abound, and where all things will be to the praise of God’s glory.

Join us in worship this Sunday


Formation occurs as people are transformed by the gospel. It begins as we first believe and continues throughout our life of faith as we seek to love God with heart, soul, mind & strength as well as our neighbors as ourselves. Spiritual formation takes place in community where God is present and active through Scripture, prayer, sacraments, and fellowship of the church.

 Connect and be formed in Christ with us this week


Mission is the story of Scripture in which God is at work to redeem the world. This story culminates in Jesus Christ, who was lovingly sent by God the Father to seek and to save the lost. In his life, death, and resurrection, God has been victorious. And now, the church is sent into the world—into Orange County & beyond—with the Spirit, to continue the work of redemption.

 Serve with our county next to us and learn more about our missional partnerships


Culture takes place as individual Christians are sent into the world to be faithful and present in their communities. Through their families, friendships, and ordinary vocations Christians love their neighbors by contributing to and celebrating truth, goodness, and beauty.

Listen to The 2020 Rhythm of our Life Together sermon series



