Tim Pickavance

Tim Pickavance

A scholar in residence is someone whose vocation includes devoting time, energy, and resources to research, writing, and speaking within and for Christ's Church.

As Redeemer's Scholar in Residence, Tim works to help Christ's church connect the life of the mind to life with God. This starts with academic research and writing undertaken with an eye to equip and empower Christians to love God with their minds so that they might love Him with all that they are. An important part of this role is the pursuit of scholarly work, disseminated in academic contexts. This is something Tim has been doing for over two decades. But the Scholar in Residence role calls Tim to apply his scholarly work outside of academia through writing and speaking that bridges between academics and the body of Christ.

In the life of Redeemer, Tim is involved in ground-level ministry. He leads book groups, processes questions and issues with individuals, groups and families over coffee and meals, and works to guide the people of Redeemer toward understanding God, themselves, and the world so that they might be better equipped to draw near to God.

Tim is also ready to serve other churches. He is prepared to speak about, for example, the intellectual history of the idea of human nature and why that history matters, the role of knowledge in the Christian life, and how fantasy literature reveals the contours of God's kingdom. If your church or ministry is interested in inviting Tim to visit, please contact Redeemer's administrator, Danielle Smith,

The Scholar in Residence position is a volunteer position, but you can earmark donations to Redeemer to support the work Tim is doing in both academic and non-academic contexts. Your giving can support Tim's research and writing in small and large ways. For example, you might fund small things like book purchases or larger things like replacement faculty for Tim's courses at Biola to open more space for research and writing. Your giving can also fund speaking opportunities by supplementing honoraria for underfunded churches and ministries and by covering Tim's travel expenses. Interested to hear more? Email Tim,

INTERESTED TO READ WHAT TIM HAS WRITTEN? If you're interested in Tim's work, subscribe to his Substack, Pancake Victim Speaks and check out his latest book, Knowledge for the Love of God: Why Your Heart Needs Your Mind. For a preview, check out Tim on Biola's Think Biblically podcast

From there, Tim suggests "Hidden Mickeys and the Hiddenness of God" (with Robert Garcia, Baylor University), which can be found in Disney & Philosophy: Truth, Trust, and a Little Bit of Pixie Dust which is set to be reprinted in the soon-to-release 2nd edition of Introducing Philosophy Through Pop Culture. If you're feeling adventurous, check out Tim's first two books, both co-authored with Robert C. Koons (University of Texas): Metaphysics: The Fundamentals and The Atlas of Reality: A Comprehensive Guide to Metaphysics. You can also find papers Tim has written in academic journals and edited volumes, including American Philosophical Quarterly, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical Papers, and Loving God with Your Mind: Essays in Honor of J. P. Moreland.

For more, CLICK HERE to view Tim's CV.