Season of Lent
As you enter into this Evening Prayer, remember that God is with you and ready to speak to you because he loves you. Enjoy the presence of your Lord and Savior. Pray as you are able: use the entire email or for a shorter time of prayer, be led through all five sections but focus on one element in each of the sections.
Lenten Meditation
“Lent is like an ellipse: It is a single entity with a double focus. The Forty Days are (1) a time for a probing consideration of our human condition, including sin and its deadly consequences for both individuals and society, and (2) a time for an equally intense consideration of the new possibilities offered to us in Jesus Christ and their implications for practical living...We begin by stressing penitence: an acknowledgment of our rebellion against God and our alienation from God’s whole creation. We move on to the fruits of repentance: the amendment of life that results when we turn around and by God’s grace head in a new direction.”
- Laurence Hull Stookey, “Calendar: Christ’s Time For The Church”
God in Trinity, Creator, Savior, Giver of life and truth, reveal the possibilities within us, that we may attain to the fullness of our humanity. Hear this prayer for your love’s sake. Amen.
Readings: Psalm 119:9-16 & John 11:1-45
REMEMBER – Today is a feast day! Sundays are in Lent, but not of Lent. Break your fast, eat, drink, and be merry for Christ is risen.”