Men's Ministry

The Redeemer Men's Ministry seeks to support men in their calling to be servant leaders in our workplaces, families, neighborhoods and the church. We build community through small groups, service projects, fellowship & interest group gatherings, prayer, and our annual men's retreat.



A group of men who regularly surf together When: When the surf is good/decent Regularity: Several times a week, normally early mornings Location: Mainly across Newport Beach Contact: Kyle Pringle to be added to the text thread



May 2-3, 2025 | Caspers Wilderness Park

Since our Fall Campout was cancelled due to the Airport Fire, we have rescheduled it for Friday May 2 - Saturday May 3, 2025. If able, insert these dates into your calendar today so you will be able to join us in the spring! We have confirmed that our fall speaker, Rev. Brian White, PCA Pastor from Resurrection Presbyterian Church in San Diego, can also make the new dates work. As we persevere against the elements, Rev. White will help us consider the topic of perseverance of the saints. For more information contact Pastor Adam Feichtmann,

Men’s Ministry Calendar of Events