Fourth Sunday in Lent
The Farewell Discourse: Union with Christ & Bearing Fruit
Third Sunday in Lent
The Farewell Discourse: Peace for Troubled Hearts
Second Sunday in Lent
The Farewell Discourse: Receiving & Reflecting the Love of God
First Sunday in Lent
Jesus & The Disciples on the Water
Eighth Sunday after Epiphany
Living Bread
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
Jesus & The Man at the Pool
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
Sighing into Singing
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Bearing Witness Against the Powers
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
The Nature of Christian Power
Third Sunday after Epiphany
Jesus & The Woman at the Well
Second Sunday After Epiphany
Making or Receiving a Name?
First Sunday After Christmas
Jesus & Nicodemus
Second Sunday After Epiphany
The Gospel of a King
Epiphany Sunday
Lessons & Carols
Christmas Eve Service
The Mothers of Jesus: Bathsheba
The 4th Sunday of Advent
The Mothers of Jesus: Ruth
The Third Sunday of Advent
The Mothers of Jesus: Rahab
The Second Sunday of Advent
The Mothers of Jesus: Tamar
The First Sunday of Advent
God Is
Twenty Seventh Sunday After Pentecost