Palm Sunday
Choose Whom You Will Serve
Fifth Sunday in Lent
The Battle of Jericho
Fourth Sunday in Lent
The Sabbath
Third Sunday in Lent
Ten Rules for Life
Second Sunday in Lent
Snakes on the Tree
First Sunday in Lent
A Blessing
Seventh Sunday of Epiphany
The Day of Atonement
Sixth Sunday of Epiphany
Dwelling With God: God’s Teaching in the Tabernacle
Fifth Sunday of Epiphany
Water from a Rock
Fourth Sunday of Epiphany
Moses at the Burning Bush
Third Sunday of Epiphany
To Cut a Covenant
Second Sunday of Epiphany
The Storyline of Scripture
First Sunday of Epiphany
How do I read the Bible?
Second Sunday after Christmas
Christmas Homily
Christmas Day
Behold, The Lamb of God
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
The Word Became Flesh
The Third Sunday of Advent
The True Light Comes to the World
The Second Sunday of Advent
The Light Shines in the Darkness
The First Sunday of Advent