Thursday, December 24, 5:00pm, Chapel at Temple Bat Yahm Join us for our annual Lessons and Carols Christmas Eve service. We will sing the great Christmas songs interspersed with readings from Scripture, and a short Christmas message.
Edward White Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury, first created the Nine Lessons and Carols service in 1880. The service, which has its focal point the coming of Christ, is characterized by a very simple pattern. It is ordered around Scripture readings that pertain to Christ’s coming, followed by songs and prayers. Since its first use, the service has spread around the world and has been adapted in many countries, languages, and cultures. The best know version is broadcast from King’s College, Cambridge each Christmas Eve where they have been celebrating this service since 1918.
Nothing will focus your heart and mind, and get your family into the Christmas spirit like this stirring Christmas Eve service.
Nursery childcare will be available for children under 3 years.
If this is your first visit to Redeemer, then click HERE for directions and more information about worship at Redeemer.