For the love of beauty and art Redeemer purposely works very hard to have quality artwork printed on the front covers of our orders of worship. This Epiphany season is no exception. We are delighted to have Redeemer artist, Danielle Kimzey, paint a piece that captures a moment of piercing awareness that celebrates the revelation of Jesus as the light of the world. Epiphany is the season that highlights Jesus' ministry between his birth in the manager and his death on the cross, with special exploration of the magi's visit, Jesus' baptism, and his first miracle of turning water into wine. If you look at Danielle's piece, you will see both the star that the magi follow to find Jesus and a water pattern representing Jesus' baptism.
If you are interested in buying the original piece, please contact Adam Feichtmann, The painting is 1 foot x 1 foot and Danielle has listed it at $600.
You can follow Danielle's other work at