Lasting Church Home

While there is much we appreciate about renting temporary worship space at Temple Bat Yahm we will not be able to stay there forever. At some point Redeemer will need to move to a lasting church home. Because of the high cost to make that kind of move it is imperative that we continue to make substantial contributions to our facility fund. As you consider your end of the year giving let us commit as a church family to grow the fund for our future church home. This fall the facility team conducted a preliminary assessment of Redeemer’s capacity to invest in a lasting church home. What we found was very encouraging. We are so grateful for your generosity and passion for the mission. We received insightful feedback and will be working over the coming months to answer your questions and communicate to the church all we have learned in our research and planning. The facility team is currently putting plans together for a capital campaign in Winter 2016.

Our facility team continues to meet monthly to work through the many stages of this important project. We recently added Kem Erskine, Redeemer’s church administrator, to the team. The team now consists of the following:

  • Curt Pringle, Chairman
  • Jennifer Bridewell
  • Kem Erskine, Church Administrator
  • Adam Feichtmann, Assistant Pastor
  • David Juelfs, Pastor
  • Carl Messenger, Elder
  • John Nelson
  • Jeff Patterson, Treasurer
  • Jason Tester