We love our worship space at the temple, but in the long term we will need our own church home. The question is not a matter of if we will ever need to move, but when. We are not in a rush; we are only making good use of the time we have to think responsibly through this important decision. We recently signed a two year lease with the Temple, and are thankful for our relationship and partnership with them. The type of long-term planning necessary to move our church home will take commitment, wisdom, and effort. In order to do this well we have expanded the facilities committee:
- Curt Pringle, Chairman
- John Bahnsen, Deacon
- Jennifer Bridewell
- Barbara Giammona
- David Juelfs, Pastor
- Carl Messenger, Elder
- John Nelson
- Jeff Patterson, Treasurer
- Jason Tester
This talented team started meeting in October and plans to meet once a month for the remainder of the year and into 2014. They are researching the types of church facilities used in our area, working on financial models of what we can afford, and studying market conditions. In the coming year they will draft a formalized plan of action. Please be praying for this team, and send them your thoughts and feedback. They want to hear from you.
Building Fund
In December of last year Redeemer had the joy to announce that your consistent generosity placed us in a strong financial position. This allowed us to set aside nearly all of our 2012 end of the year giving, building a considerable strategic fund. We announced at that time that this growing strategic fund would open many doors for us to move forward on issues critical to Redeemer’s mission. We used the following examples: establishing a faithful and loving gospel presence at UCI; long term facility needs as we continue to grow; and increasing our support of strategic partnerships with missionaries, church planters, mercy ministries and other organizations that share Redeemer’s mission and vision.
Using this strategic fund we set aside $200,000 to start the Redeemer Building Fund! We have a long way to go, but your kingdom minded generosity has given us a great start.
Thinking Sacred Space
Be on the look out in early 2014 for a few events designed to explore the ideas that will shape Redeemer’s future worship space. These unique and engaging events are designed to broaden our vision of how the buildings designed to house our worship actually shape us, how those spaces can inspire our neighbors, and why this matters for Redeemer in Orange County.