Friday-Sunday, December 2-4
Men, mark your calendars for our next work crew at Campus by the Sea on Catalina Island. We will get to know one another better as we serve side-by-side working on projects at this Christian camp and retreat center. Jr High and High School young men are also invited to serve with their fathers provided they are mature enough to perform about 8 hours of tasks with minimal supervision. Our purpose is to be a blessing to Campus by the Sea as we serve this ministry together. There are options for returning either Saturday evening or on Sunday afternoon. We will be offering a Redeemer worship service at the camp Sunday morning for men who are able to stay. The cost is $72 per person for your passage on the Catalina Flyer; food and accommodations are provided.
Registration Details
To register for our men’s work crew, please submit the following:
- Online Registration Form
- Payment for $72 per person, payable to Redeemer with memo “Men’s Work Crew”
Payments may be placed in the offering or mailed to Redeemer, P.O. Box 9708, Newport Beach, CA 92658.
Trip Details
WHO: Redeemer Men and their Youth-age Sons
WHERE: Campus by the Sea, Catalina Island
DEPARTURE: Friday, 12/2 at 7 PM from Long Beach
- Sunday, 12/4 at 2:05 PM OR
- Saturday, 12/3 at 7:30 PM
COST: $72 per person for round-trip passage; $17 for parking at the terminal (carpooling encouraged)
WHAT TO BRING: sleeping bag, flash light, work clothes for two days, towels, toiletries, and work gloves.
CONTACT: Bob Norling,, with questions.