The session of Redeemer would like to joyfully announce that Cameron Moore passed his examination to be a Ruling Elder! Cameron was nominated to be a Ruling Elder back in June by the congregation. Over the summer and fall he went through a training and study period, then this past week was examined in the following areas in accord with the PCA's Book of Church Order chapter 24-1
a. His Christian experience, especially his personal character and family management (based on the qualifications set out in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9),
b. His knowledge of Bible content,
c. His knowledge of the system of doctrine, government, discipline contained in the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America
d. The duties of the office to which he has been nominated, and
e. His willingness to give assent to the questions required for ordination.
Continuing to follow the PCA's Book of Church Order chapter 24-1, Redeemer's Session is giving at least thirty days notice to let you know that there will be a congregational meeting on Sunday January 25th, 2015, to vote to elect Cameron as a Ruling Elder. The congregational meeting will take place directly after the 10:00 AM worship service. Members of Redeemer are encouraged to remain after worship to participate in the vote.