Dear Redeemer Presbyterian Church,
It is no surprise that our Children’s Ministry at Redeemer continues to sprout up, grow, and build momentum. More families are having babies and our young sons and daughters are being promoted into elementary school in droves. Currently Redeemer has over 80 kids in our Children’s Ministry. We know these are critical years and the leadership of our church desires to walk alongside our families in order help our children love Jesus and the church.
In this exciting time for Redeemer, the Session has decided to hire Amanda Knox as our part-time Children’s Ministry Director. Amanda has already been a dedicated volunteer teacher and committee member for our Children’s Ministry for over ten years, and also brings local teaching and education experience as well. She is well loved and respected by not only our children, but also our parents and teachers for her excellent communication and organizational skills. We look forward to Amanda being able to invest more deeply each week into the development of our Sunday School and Children’s Worship Programs, while also training and supporting all 40 of our current volunteers!
Be encouraged in what is happening with our Children’s Ministry. In addition to the numbers of our children increasing and hiring Amanda, we also have many new volunteers and are continually making curriculum improvements. As this vibrant ministry continues to develop, I will remain in a supportive and vision-casting role alongside Amanda and our Children’s Ministry Committee.
For more information on our children’s ministry, click HERE.
Grace & Peace,
Adam Feichtmann Associate Pastor