Sermon Preview: Equal with God

Equal with God, John 5:2-18 38 years. Unable to move on his own for 38 years. Imagine.

A day like any other. Begging. Hurting. Humiliated. Then Jesus walks by.

Do you have anything like that in your life or the lives of those you love? What is broken in you that you have suffered for so long that you have lost hope of ever being healed?

Read John 5. Read it aloud. Picture the story in your mind. Pray through the passage. Listen for Jesus. Ask him your questions. Why have I not been healed? Can I really trust you for the healing I long for? Listen to what he says.

We can trust Jesus to heal, in his way, in his timing, and to reveal to us the God of healing.

I need healing and so do you. I can’t wait to worship together this Sunday, to worship the God who delights to heal us.

Pastor David