Sermon Preview: Ordinary Life, Lived Extraordinarily

I am leaving. I have work for you to do and this is how you are going to find the strength to get it done. For the next four weeks we will be focusing on John 13-17. You may have noticed this division in your reading of John’s Gospel. Chapters 1-12 in John’s Gospel focused on the public ministry of Jesus. His interactions with individuals and large crowds calling them to believe him, to entrust their lives to him. Jesus performs miraculous signs: water to wine, healings, multiplying small amounts of food to feed thousands, even raising a man from the dead. These signs were intended to show us who Jesus really is and to give us a glimpse of the kingdom he is building. John 1-12 is public, and Jesus focuses on calling people to entrust their lives to him and follow him.

John 13-17 is private. It’s small. It’s quiet. These are the final words, the final instructions, of Jesus to a small group of his closest followers tucked way in an upper room in the corner of Jerusalem. Jesus is saying to them, "I am leaving. I have work for you to do, and this is how you are going to find the strength to get it done."

Do you see the relevance for us? For us Jesus is not leaving, he is gone. Now what? John 13-17 is about the “now what?”

I look forward to worshiping together this Sunday and listening to Jesus answer our question, “Now what?”

Pastor David