Sermon Preview: Our Father

Our Father, Matthew 6:9-13 The Lord's Prayer, most of us have it memorized and recite it often. This prayer that Jesus taught his disciples is rich with meaning and sets forth a wonderful example and pattern for us to pray in weekly worship, as families, with friends, and by ourselves. However, from time to time it is worthwhile for us to pause and remind ourselves of the truths that are placed in the preface and each of the six petitions.

This Sunday we will have the joy to pause and look at the preface and first petition found in Matthew 6:9, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name."  We will recognize our need for God as our Father, the significance of Him being in heaven, and the applications of hallowing his name.

In preparation for Sunday, read and pray through the Lord's Prayer a few times, and as you do so, pause and spend time reflecting over the richness and depth of truth found in the preface and each petition in a way that might be lost when you often recite this prayer on a regular basis.

I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday!

Adam Feichtmann Assistant Pastor