Sermon Preview: Union with Christ

You are what you eat. Our bodies are constructed out of the nutrition we get from our food. Think of what you had for dinner last night. Right now your body is reducing that food into its essential components and absorbing it into your cells. You are built out of the food you eat. We will finish our look at John 6 this Sunday. Jesus is speaking to a crowd in a synagogue in Capernaum. He tells them that “the bread I will give for the life of the world is my flesh” and that his “flesh is true food” and that his “blood is true drink.” The crowd erupts in confused revulsion. What is behind this odd image of eating flesh and drinking blood? How are we even supposed to eat Jesus' flesh?

This Sunday we will look at these questions and others, as Jesus points us to the nourishment that we need. You are what you eat, so Jesus gave us himself.

I can’t wait to worship together.

Pastor David