Theology of California Lecture

Sunday, April 24, 10:10-10:50 am Join us this Sunday to hear a lecture on the Theology of California given by Dr. Jason Sexton.  The lecture will start promptly at 10:10 AM, during the Middle Hour between our first worship service at 8:45 AM, and our second worship service at 11:00 AM in the Morgan Chapel at Temple Bat Yahm.

About the Lecture

Just at the Apostle Paul was able to walk into the city of Athens in the first century, understand their culture, engage with their theological impulses, and highlight their cultural icons, our church today needs to do the same here in California. This Sunday Dr. Sexton will be our guide to lead us on an exploration of California as a theological place and how we as a local church are to best engage with the place we call home.

About Jason Sexton

Dr. Sexton, a fourth generation Californian and ordained minister in the Evangelical Free Church of America, is a systematic theologian (Ph.D University of St. Andrews) with research interests lying at the intellectual crossroads of theology and culture, focusing on the nature of the church’s confession in its ecclesial contexts and in its variegated shapes in society. He has taught theology at Cambridge, is an adjunct professor at Cal State Fullerton, while also the Administrative Convener and visionary coordinator behind the Theological Engagement with California's Culture Project. Dr. Sexton is also the co-author, with Fred Sanders, of Theology and California: Theological Refractions on California's Culture.