Women's Spring Studies

Join us this spring for 2 6-week studies beginning February 23 & 26.

Bible Studies

Judges: The Flawed and the Flawless February 23/26 - March 30

This six-study guide by Timothy Keller will show users how this dark, difficult period of history points us to the wonderful message of the gospel. Keller shows us the flawed heroes of Judges—and how they point us to the flawless hero, Jesus.

Zechariah: God’s Big Plan for Struggling Christians April 20/23 - June 1

In Zechariah’s day, Israel had returned from exile, but home was certainly not all they had hoped for. Zechariah’s task was to bring comforting words to the struggling people of God. These six Bible studies by Tim Chester open up Zechariah’s reassuring and revitalizing message for God’s discouraged people.

Times and Locations

Newport Beach Dinner & Study 7:00 pm dinner, 7:30 pm study Location: Anna Tester's home Contact: Anna Tester, eannatester@gmail.com

Costa Mesa Study 7:30 pm study only Location: Amanda Knox's home Contact: Amanda Knox, aaknox@pacbell.net