Goodbye Dan & Karen Lenz

Dan and Karen are moving to Nebraska. Over the past 7 years Dan and Karen have been a faithful part of the Redeemer community. They are well loved and will be greatly missed. This whole time they have likewise served on staff of a UCI campus ministry called Navigators. Week after week and year after year they have loved, discipled and proclaimed Jesus to university students. This fall Dan will continue to work with Navigators remotely to help with his transition out of the program.

Please pray for the following: 

- Praise God for Dan & Karen and their ministry at Redeemer and UCI. 

- Pray for a good move to Nebraska and future jobs. 

- Pray for a smooth transition out of Navigators and the handoff of responsibilities. 

If you haven't already, take a moment write, text, or call them to express your gratitude, goodbyes, and prayers. 

Dan -, 308.440.4359

Karen -, 402.802.1232