Pastor Adam Returns From His Sabbatical

Hello Redeemer Family & Friends, 

It’s wonderful to be back at Redeemer after a fantastic sabbatical. We have missed you, and we’re excited to worship with you in person this Sunday! 

First and foremost, we are grateful to you, Pastor Josh, and our session for allowing me to take a sabbatical this summer and cover my pastoral duties. It was a tremendous gift to me, Karina, Sage, and Fin. 

I am delighted to say that all my goals for my sabbatical were accomplished. I feel rested and renewed physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My communion with God has been and continues to be sweet, my marriage feels strong, my relationship with my kids feels healthy, my body rested, and my mind has been enriched through continuing education and reading. With all of this by God’s grace, I am eager to continue serving in my calling and vocation as a pastor. 

Here are some highlights of our summer:

- Daily prayer and journaling. 

- A private week long retreat in Malibu (just me). 

- Continuing education courses in church leadership and marriage therapy from Fuller Seminary and The Gottman Institute.  

- Two months on Oahu, Hawai’i enjoying the ocean and warm weather. 

- A lot of intentional quality time with Karina and the kids. 

- Frequent surfing and fishing. 

- Reading many books (ask me for a list if you’re interested.) 

- Worshiping with different churches each Sunday. 

- Adopting a black pug puppy at the end of August. His name is Benedict and is now 10 weeks old. 

As was the case for everyone, summer 2020 did not happen as originally planned. However, it was the summer God knew that we needed. Karina and I are still in awe that we could travel and stay in Hawai’i in the midst of a global pandemic. One of our most memorable times together as a family was (interestingly enough), our 14-day quarantine in a little 500 square foot beach cottage after arriving in Hawai’i. It was wonderful to simply be, to decompress, and enjoy time together in a warm and beautiful setting with zero options or obligations to get in a car and drive anywhere. 

With all that said, I am now ready and eager to return to pastoral ministry at Redeemer this fall! It has been a joy to serve our church for these past eight years, and I’m looking forward to continue serving you. If you have more questions about my sabbatical, I would love to meet with you to talk, just let me know. 


Pastor Adam