CA Mask Mandate

December 15 - January 15

As many of you already know, California is now sadly under a one month indoor mask mandate until January 15th. If you didn't know, you can read the details HERE.

At Redeemer, over the past 18 months, we have sought to follow the state and national guidelines concerning COVID. We will continue to follow these guidelines but will not be policing masks. We hope that you also know that whatever your convictions on these issues we are eager to have you in church for the worship of God.

What will that look like?

- For the next four Sundays, plus Christmas Eve our pastors, leaders, musicians, teachers, and nursery workers will wear masks, unless they are leading upfront, singing at a mic, or teaching from a distance in a class.

- We will provide masks at the welcome table and continue to take special precautions during food preparation.

- Outside of Sundays, our different small groups and ministries are private, so they can decide to do what they want.

Thank you very much for your understanding and flexibility. These are difficult times and we are trying to do our best to follow the guidelines and love our neighbors (those who have health issues, those who wear masks, and those who choose not to wear masks). Hopefully, come Sunday January 16th, cases will be down and we will be back to our normal Sunday practices.

If you have any further questions or comments please don't hesitate to email pastors Josh Hahne ( or Adam Feichtmann (