Lent for Families

Lent is an excellent time of the year to intentionally invite our children into the story of Jesus by creating family traditions and cultivating a culture of worship together. Read about some suggestions we have for you and your family this Lenten season.

“Allow the children to come to me,” Jesus said. “Don’t forbid them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children.” – Matthew 19:14

“I think we underestimate kids. Small children’s ability to understand difficult theological concepts is enormous.” – Madeleine L’Engle

Lent is an excellent time of the year to intentionally invite our children into the story of Jesus by creating family traditions and cultivating a culture of worship together. We can remind our kids of how Advent was a season of preparation for Christmas, so Lent is a season of preparation for Easter. To best prepare for the glory of Jesus’ resurrection, here are some suggestions to consider doing with your children and youth:

Family Worship

Try observing family worship together thirty minutes before bedtime – teeth are brushed, pajamas are on. And depending on circumstances, attentiveness of the children, etc. plan on anywhere from 10-20 minutes.

Perhaps you might:

• Practice the Lenten Candles. Learn more HERE

• Read and discuss the Scripture passage for the day.

• Read and discuss a children’s Bible story book, like the Jesus Storybook Bible.

• Pray together.

• Sing a Lenten song together (see appendix in the Lent Guide)

Family Fasting

Fasting, self-denial, helps us see how we turn to things other than God for our comfort. Fasting can involve food and non-food items. As a family, consider fasting together and what to fast from. Perhaps everyone can abstain from a nightly dessert, or devices or screen time after a certain time. Whatever it is, make the fast simple and something that everyone can participate in. Remember: Sundays are feast days, so break your fast on Sundays, and celebrate the resurrection!

Family Giving

Cultivate a habit of charity and self-giving. As we turn to God, we naturally turn to those around us in need. Review the local organizations listed on page 4 and serve one of them as a family, or get creative and help your children become generous by giving away old, or even new, toys and items to others.

Sunday Worship Services

The Lenten season is a wonderful time to help your children realize that the church is their family, that worship should be their first duty and greatest joy. Make Sunday worship a priority.

Consider Having Your Children Baptized

If your children are yet to be baptized, Lent is a wonderful time to consider having them baptized during the Easter season! If your children are older and haven’t been baptized, begin having conversations with them about baptism. If you are interested in scheduling a baptism or have questions, please contact Pastor Adam Feichtmann at adamf@redeemeroc.org.

Preparation for First Communion

If your children understand the gospel, then this season could be a wonderful time to take the steps toward having them admitted to the Lord’s Table for their First Communion. Download Redeemer’s First Communion Information & Study Guide - https://redeemeroc.org/children If after going through the study guide with your child(ren) you sense they are ready, please contact Pastor Adam Feichtmann at adamf@redeemeroc.org to arrange a time for a First Communion interview.