Summer Update from our Missional Partner Rev. Jason Polk

Greetings from St. Louis! We arrived stateside for our scheduled home assignment in mid-May and are slowly reacclimating to all things America. We are thankful to have made it through our last few months in Ethiopia without getting COVID (while managing to fulfill our ministry responsibilities and home school our children)! So far, this has been our smoothest transition back to the U.S, thanks in large measure to being given access to a mission apartment at Covenant Seminary through Kirk of the Hills PCA. We are so grateful to have our own space in which to get over jet lag and help our kids readjust to the U.S. Below you'll find some highlights from our last few months in Ethiopia, plans for these months in America, and news about a new Polkling on the way.

Pastoral Apprentice Training

In May we recruited the first cohort for our Pastoral Apprenticeship Program. We selected seventeen participants to go through teachings on the Westminster Confession, Christ-Centered Preaching, and Living By Grace, and we will be evaluating the group later this summer to see who will continue into the next stage of preparation. Our prayer is that some of this group would be ordainable as future pastors and church planters for our Grace of the Messiah church plants in the years ahead.

Trauma Healing Community of Practice

Liz has continued her involvement with the American Bible Society's trauma healing program and has helped with several more equipping sessions which have all included a combination of Ethiopian and expat participants. The materials have been translated into Amharic and we are excited that facilitators will now be able to use them in Ethiopia's national language. Pictured is our new group of certified trainers-many of whom will now be able to teach and lead people through the materials in Amharic. Our group meets monthly to share ideas, problem-solve through challenges, learn new skills, and pray for one another. In the last couple of months, the group pictured above has led trauma healing groups with refugees, pastors, homeless teenagers, missionaries, university students, street kids, and others. Please continue to pray that all those involved will experience the love of God and his healing power in their lives.

Home Assignment Plans
We have settled in St. Louis for our scheduled home assignment and are gradually getting readjusted to life in the U.S. In addition to reconnecting with churches and supporters, Jason will be working on a Masters of Theology program (Th.M.) at Covenant Seminary.
- Jason's dad has entered advanced dementia and needs to transition to a long-term care home. He will be working to help that transition over the upcoming months. We would love to connect with any of you through whatever means possible but will not be taking super long road trips this time 

Exciting Announcement

We unexpectedly found out in early 2021 that we are expecting a baby girl in late August. Our kids are incredibly excited to meet their new baby sister! Liz's pregnancy has gone smoothly thus far, and we look forward to introducing you to our new family member in the near future. 
- We would love to connect with you through whatever means possible, but due to COVID, our coming baby, and the health of Jason's dad we will not be doing any long road trips this time. Please do let us know if you would like to connect by ZOOM, Skype, or phone-- or in person for those who might be near the St. Louis area.
- We plan to put our kids in U.S. school for the fall semester, and then return to Ethiopia in early January. 
- Please pray for them as we seek to create a more stable/normal experience of America than they've previously had. 

- Pray for the peace and stability of Ethiopia. National elections are now scheduled for June 25 and is difficult to be away from our Ethiopian friends and colleagues during a time of uncertainty there.
- Pray for our church planting partner Gizaw and his wife as she undergoes treatment for cancer.
- Pray for the safe delivery of our baby girl by scheduled c-section in late August.
- Pray for the right school options for our kids and that we would be able to provide a more grounded and stable U.S. experience for them than we have in the past. 

Jason and Liz