Advent and Christmas 2022

Mark your calendars for the following dates to celebrate Advent and Christmas at Redeemer


Advent Sundays | November 27, December 4, 11, 18 at 10:00AM

Lessons & Carols Christmas Eve Service | December 24 at 5:00PM Join us for our annual Christmas Eve service. We will sing the great Christmas songs interspersed with readings from Scripture, and a short Christmas message.

Christmas Day - Sunday, December 25 at 10:00AM

New Year’s Day - Sunday, January 1 at 10:00AM


Advent Wreath Making Event | November 27 after the service

Kick-off the season by creating your own Advent Wreath to use at home. For more details please see Sarah Pringle. The cost will be $10 per wreath for the materials and payments can be made online or at the event if you have not already registered. CLICK HERE to register

Children’s Christmas Party | December 4 after the service

All children ages 2 years - 5th grade are invited to celebrate to prepare their hearts for the Christmas season. More details will be made available next week. Contact Nem Malabuyo, for details and if you are interested in volunteering.


Youth Ugly Sweater Christmas Parties High School December 10th & Junior High December 11th

Youth are invited to come celebrate Christmas at our annual Ugly Sweater & White Elephant Gift Exchange. Junior High will be held at the Pringle home in Costa Mesa and the High School party will be held at the Maxwell home in Irvine. Contact Ellie Holt, for more information.

Women’s Christmas Party | Monday, December 12th 7:00 - 9:00PM Join us for our Women’s Ministry Ornament Exchange Christmas Party at the home of Dayna O’Neil in Costa Mesa. Please bring a wrapped ornament. For more information, please contact Dayna O’Neil,