Updates Regarding Metal Detectors on Sunday

Hello Again Redeemer Family & Friends,

Thank you for your kind cooperation with the addition of metal detectors last Sunday. Due to the war in Israel and our desire to be good neighbors and tenants with Temple Bat Yahm (TBY), there are a few additional updates for this Sunday and plans going forward.

This Sunday, TBY will have more security presence at the front entrance and the two metal detectors will be more sensitive. Please prepare for delays upon arrival. Coffee will be ready prior to the service for those of you who would like to arrive early to help ease the line congestion. Mothers that we know with small children/strollers will continue to be waived through.

We are also in the beginning stages of working with TBY to create a FastPass line for our members. This will hopefully generate a more smooth and seamless entrance for a majority of us on Sunday mornings. When we know more details, we will update you all.

In the meantime, as friends with TBY, please keep their congregation, friends, family, and the war in Israel in your prayers.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Pastor Josh (joshh@redeemeroc.org) or Pastor Adam Feichtmann (adamf@redeemeroc.org).

See you on Sunday,

Adam Feichtmann