Jr. High Summer Camp on Catalina

Your Jr. High students, and their friends, are invited to join Redeemer's Youth Ministry for its first ever Jr High Summer Camp on Catalina Island! 

They will build relationships with one another as they camp in tent cabins, study the Bible, go snorkeling, roast s’mores around the bonfire, enjoy the beach, play games and hang out with friends. This experience will not only be memorable and impactful, it will also be well supervised and SAFE with quality adult leaders. Students will be dropped off and picked up at the Catalina Flyer in Newport Beach. 

Dates: Wednesday August 2nd - Friday August 4th 

Times: 6:30AM Wednesday to 5:45PM Friday

Drop Off / Pick Up Location: Catalina Flyer in Newport Beach 

400 Main Street
Newport Beach, CA 92661
United States

The departing ferry leaves Newport Beach at 7:30am on Wednesday.

The returning ferry arrives in Newport Beach at 5:45pm on Friday.

Camping Location: Hermit Gulch Campground

Hermit Gulch Campground is located uphill on Avalon Canyon Road just 1.5 miles from the Avalon boat landing. The campground is situated in Avalon Canyon near the Nature Center and the Wrigley Memorial and Botanical Garden

Cost: $249 

Registration is not complete until the Minor Participation Authorization and Consent Form and 2023/2024 Medical Information Form are filled out and submitted. You can hand them directly to Ellie Holt on a Sunday or scan and email them to her at ellieh@redeemeroc.org

Catalina Summer Camp Minor Participation Authorization and Consent to Emergency Medical Treatment Form.docx


WHAT TO BRING: Bible, notebook, pen, flashlight, sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries, warm and cool clothes, jacket, towel, and swimsuit. (Snorkel mask and fins optional). 

CONTACT: Ellie Holt at ellieh@redeemeroc.org