Hildegard College Homestay Program

Hildegard College Homestay

Hildegard College is a new classical Christian college opening in Costa Mesa this fall. Their mission is to form young people for lives of faith, virtue, and extraordinary work. They are looking for individuals/families who are willing to host students. 

The following is a description of the Homestay Program from Hildegard with contact details toward the bottom if you are interested. 

In lieu of traditional dormitories, our students live with one another in local apartments or with members of our Church Partner community through the homestay option.

The college debt crisis stems in significant part from unaccountable spending in residence halls and amenities. Hildegard College students live in the community rather than in artificial dormitory settings that are unconducive to serious study. We ask students to learn life skills and healthy habits while living in local apartments and homes.


A homestay gives individuals or families who have an extra room or accessory dwelling unit to support a students’ study at Hildegard by hosting them. Rent is established on a case-by-case basis. Hosts may also include services such as house-sitting or maintenance in their agreement.


Hildegard College does not administer the Homestay option. A staff member acts as a residential coordinator who facilitates meetings, offers recommendations for best practices, and serves as an unofficial liaison. Terms and duration of stay are negotiated between the host and the tenant.

All Hildegard Students sign an Honor Code (https://www.hildegard.college/mission-and-principles) as well as a Code of Conduct. Homestay hosts are free to add conditions upon agreement with the tenant.

How do I get involved?

We maintain an internal list of individuals and families who are interested in the Homestay option. Stating your interest entails no obligation or commitment but is the potential starting point for a conversation.

If you are interested in learning more about the Homestay option or connecting with an undergraduate(s) seeking a place to live, please email admissions@hildegard.college and include “Homestay” in the email subject line.