Women’s Ministry Fall Day Retreat

Saturday, October 7th | 10:00AM - 8:00PM at Marina Park Community Center in Newport Beach

You are invited to join the women of Redeemer for a one-day retreat. We will be holding the retreat at the Marina Park Community & Sailing Center in beautiful Newport Beach. We are excited to have Kim Hall as our guest speaker! She is the Director of Women’s Ministry at All Saints PCA Church in Austin, Texas. Click the link to see their ministry page, which has links of her teachings. https://allsaintsaustin.org/women

$75 per ticket that includes breakfast and dinner. Lunch will be on your own.

If you would like to attend, but need a scholarship, please contact Pastor Adam Feichtmann, adamf@redeemeroc.org We want to make it possible for everyone to attend.

Last Date for Ticket Purchase and Registration: Sunday, September 24

Questions: Contact us at women@redeemeroc.org