We are excited to invited our 5th graders into the youth group activities beginning this Sunday, June 23! Students in 8th grade will be invited to attend High School group meetings as well. All other students will remain in their current grade and will promote up in September. However, the class age groupings will shift to 1st-2nd and 3rd-4th. This week the elementary children in 1st-4th grades will begin their summer time program, with a focus on the Armor of God. The preschool/kindergarten class will remain in their Teach Me To Worship studies. We are excited to dive into scripture with your kids and to have a fantastic summer together!
Prison Ministry Bible Drive
Sundays, June 23 - September 1
Our children are invited to participate in raising funds to provide bibles for the OC jails. We will be partnering with Gary and Lisa Cram, founders of the Prelude Foundation, to distribute the bibles to inmates throughout Orange County. Children are encouraged to bring their change for the collection jar by our prison ministry mailbox at the Redeemer book table. Join us in sharing God’s word with those who need His message of redemption.
Meet our new Youth Ministry Coordinator
John and Katie moved to Orange County from Santa Barbara shortly after getting married in 2017. John received a B.A. in History in 2016 from Westmont College and currently works in real estate development. His experience also includes work as an ocean adventure guide, camp counselor, and youth ministry leader. John enjoys hanging out with young people and is passionate about the Reformed faith. His hobbies include surfing, reading (mostly non-fiction), and spending time with friends and family.
Contact John: johnd@redeemeroc.org
Call for Summer Small Group and Gatherings
June Gloom is here and summer is right around the corner!
This summer we want to intentionally gather together around tables, living rooms, backyards, restaurants, the beach, and at cultural events across Orange County AND purposefully plan to invite our friends, neighbors, and co-workers to join us!
Are your interesting and willing to host/lead a summer small group or gathering that you would like to promote to the whole church?
Some ideas could include:
Women's or Men's Small Group Study
Co-ed Small Group Study
Backyard BBQ
Picnic in a Park
Beach Day
Pool Party
Angels Baseball Game
Service Project
Arts & Crafts Night
Board Game Night
If you are interested and willing to host/lead a summer small group or gathering simply reply to this email and let us know!
Currently, we have two men's small groups that are on the calendar.
1. Men's Morning Prayer
Thursdays, June 20 and July 18
Coffee & Bagels provided
Location: Church Office in Newport Beach
If interested, please email Pastor Adam - adamf@redeemeroc.org
2. Men's Book Study
For the Life of the World: Sacraments and Orthodoxy by Alexander Schmemann
Schmemann begins his essay into the sacraments of the Church with the observation that man is a hungry being and that the world is presented to him as his food. Man must eat in order to have life. Throughout the book he expands on issues such as secularism and Christian culture.
Sundays, June 23 and July 28
Host/Location: Chris Stratton's home in Huntington Beach
If interested, please sign up HERE
(This book study will be capped at 15 people)
This fall we would love to grow and expand our current small group offerings to better serve our current members and also to be hospitable to visitors and new attendees.
Would you begin to consider leading or hosting a small group (community group, study group, women's group, men's group, or regular dinner group)?
If you are interested or have questions about leading or hosting a small group please email Pastor Adam - adamf@redeemeroc.org
Nominations for Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses are now open!
Hello Redeemer Members,
Nominations for Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses are now open! The nomination period is May 15th - June 15th.
* Please pray and carefully consider a man or woman in light of the biblical teaching and qualifications outlined below for Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses. Ponder the qualifications of each specific potential nominee, remembering that the Bible emphasizes character rather than skills.
* Only members may submit nominations.
* Verify with your candidate that he or she is a member of Redeemer and willing to serve as an Elder, Deacon, or Deaconess.
* If the answers are “yes”, then please submit the online form on or before June 15th. Please do not submit names of individuals who are not members or that you have not spoken to ahead of time.
CLICK HERE to fill out the Nomination Form.
To submit multiple nominations, simply fill out the form multiple times
Qualification For Nominees
Requirements for all nominees
Nominees should have been a Christian for at least three years and a Redeemer member for at least one year. Please note that a minimum of three nominations is required for a nominee to enter the screening process.
Qualifications to consider
Should I nominate a particular member to be an Elder, Deacon or Deaconess at Redeemer? Should I accept a nomination to be considered as an Elder, Deacon or Deaconess at Redeemer? The following guidelines, though not the final word on the matter, ought to help as you consider these questions.
Five categories of qualifications
Calling: Calling is both inward and outward. A nominee should possess both an inward and outward calling to the office or role. The inward calling is manifest by a nominee’s own desire to serve the church, as well as a belief that one has the gifts necessary to serve in the particular office or role. The outward calling comes as others in our community recognize a nominee as possessing the gifts and graces necessary for the task.
Character: Though no leader can expect to be perfect, he or she must be exemplary, modeling in a consistent way the character of Christ and displaying the Fruit of the Spirit. Romans 16:1,3, 1 Timothy 3 & 5, Titus 1:5-9, Titus 2:3-8, and Galatians 5:22-26 offer a useful summary of the character qualifications.
Competency: God calls Elders, Deacons and Deaconesses to serve in distinct and varying ways. A nominee should evidence the inclination and ability to fulfill that particular biblical office or role.
Elder nominees should be men who are mature followers of Jesus. Their main responsibilities fall under three categories: Shepherding, Prayer, and Governance. They should be visionary leaders – not “micro-managers” – who can both guard and expand the church’s vision and practices. They need to know the Bible and be able to teach the Bible to others. They should have a history of being sought out for spiritual guidance. They will lead a Shepherding Team of Deacons and Deaconesses to care for the spiritual and physical needs of Redeemer’s members.
Deacon nominees should be men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom who come alongside the Session to help serve the congregation of the church with a caring spirit in practical ways. Their service should help free the Session to focus on their particular responsibilities. Deacons’ main responsibilities fall under three categories: Benevolence, Administration, and Pastoral Care. They should exhibit a strong willingness – even eagerness – to serve others, a clear concern for the poor and vulnerable, demonstrated ability to solve practical problems, and a readiness to get their hands dirty. They will be part of a Shepherding Team with Elders and Deaconesses to care for the spiritual and physical needs of Redeemer’s members, as well as assisting the Session with new member interviews.
Deaconess nominees should be women who are godly servants and mature mentors in the church. They assist the Deacons and the Elders in both the physical and spiritual needs of the church, especially toward the women of the church. Deaconesses’ main responsibilities fall under three main categories: Discipleship, Care, and Leadership. They should have displayed a history of investing, mentoring, and equipping women (typically younger women) in the church. They regularly demonstrate care to others through ministries of counseling, hospitality, visitation, and prayer, especially to those in need of love and mercy. They have led other women in the church well and are able to assist the Deacons and Elders in mobilizing the congregation and providing input and perspective in matters pertaining to the organizational leadership of the Deacons and Elders. They will be part of a Shepherding Team with Elders and Deacons to care for the spiritual and physical needs of Redeemer’s members, as well as assisting the Session with new member interviews.
Compatibility: Nominees should be "team players" who wholeheartedly embrace the vision and philosophy of ministry of Redeemer. This should already be evident through regular worship, church life participation, sacrificial giving (tithing as a minimum guideline) and service to the congregation.
Comprehension: Nominees need to understand and accept Redeemer’s convictions about theology, worship, sacraments, and church government. This involves commitment to the Bible’s authority, to Presbyterian Church government and to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms (We are looking for people who are in agreement with the key tenets of our theology and are open to variations on minor issues.)
CLICK HERE to fill out the Nomination Form.
To submit multiple nominations, simply fill out the form multiple times
Process For Nominees
1. The Nomination Period
The nomination period is an open time frame in which members of Redeemer can make nominations for new Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses. The open period for nominations will be one month, May 15 to June 15, 2019.
2. Summer to Explore & Initial Interviews
Over the summer, after being nominated, there will be an opportunity for individuals to learn more before committing to a process that begins in the fall. The nominees will meet with current Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses to learn the work involved and discern if they would like to serve in the appropriate office or role. If interest and willingness continues, a member or members of the Session will perform an initial interview. Nominees will be asked about their Christian experience, their moral character and regular spiritual habits, evidence of spiritual gifts that fit them for the work to which they have been nominated, and the other aspects of character and life that are mentioned in the biblical qualifications. If the nominee is married, a separate interview with their spouse will be requested.
3. Fall & Winter Candidate Training & Mentoring Program
In the early fall, when both a nominee and the Session agree to move forward, that individual will become a candidate and will begin a training & mentoring program with the other candidates throughout the fall and into the winter. Training & mentoring will include instruction and collaborative discussion in ministry philosophy, biblical and theological formation, ecclesial formation, character formation, and pastoral care. During this period candidates will attend some Session, Diaconate, and Shepherding Team meetings.
4. Winter Examinations
Having completed the training program, the candidates will then be examined by the Session on their Calling, Character, Competency, Compatibility, and Comprehension (Redeemer’s and the PCA’s convictions about the Bible, theology, worship, the sacraments, and church government).
5. Winter or Spring Election and Appointment & Ordination and Commissioning
To serve as an Elder or a Deacon requires an election to the office by the congregation after being certified by the Session as meeting all the requirements and passing their examinations.
To serve as a Deaconess requires the Session officially appointing those women who they believe have met all the requirements and passed their examinations.
Following the election of new Elders and Deacons, a date will be set for them to be ordained and installed into their office during a worship service.
Following the appointment of new Deaconesses, a date will be set for them to be commissioned into their role during a worship service.
Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses will then serve for a three to five-year term, after which they will take a sabbatical.
CLICK HERE to fill out the Nomination Form.
To submit multiple nominations, simply fill out the form multiple times
Ethiopia Trip 2019
Join Pastor Adam and other Redeemer church members for our 3rd trip to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to work with our global partner Ethiopia ACT and missionary Jason Polk. Depending on the make up of our team members, we plan on running medical clinics, providing counseling, hosting children’s and youth programs, leading business training seminars, and assist in the work of the church plants in some of the poorest neighborhoods of Addis Ababa. Contact Pastor Adam, adamf@redeemeroc.org, if you are interested and/or have questions.
CLICK HERE to read more about Ethiopia ACT
WATCH A VIDEO to learn more about Ethiopia ACT's work and impact.
Fullerton | Saturday, May 4th, 8:00AM Costa Mesa | Saturday, May 18th, 8:00AM
At these community-wide volunteer days, people engage in a variety of projects, including appreciating public servants, visiting convalescent homes, donating blood, building a house with Habitat for Humanity, and working in city parks and schools, among other opportunities. Click on the Fullerton or Costa Mesa links below to sign-up to volunteer on a project, suggest a project for the day or sign-up to become a Project Leader.
You can also go to their websites lovefullerton.org and lovecostamesa.org for more details.
Sunday, May 5th 5:30PM Los Lomas Park, Irvine
Mark your calendar for RUF’s annual Cinco de Mayo celebration! Join us to hear about the ways God has been at work on the UC Irvine campus. You will get to hear from Rev. Chad Brewer and RUF students as well as meet the new RUF campus minister (Derek Rishmawy) and his wife. Dinner will be provided, and there will be an opportunity to invest in the future ministry of RUF.
RSVP’s are required. Please do so by emailing christiebrewer8310@gmail.com
To help our church continue to exist for the sake of others, both inside and outside our walls, we have several volunteer needs that we would ask you to consider helping out where possible.
Upcoming once-off Needs: Easter Services on Sunday, April 21st
Ongoing Needs: Welcome Team, Service Team, Sound Team, & Children’s and Youth Ministries.
CLICK HERE to fill out an availability and/or interest form for either the upcoming or ongoing needs.
Questions? Contact Danielle Smith danielles@redeemeroc.org
Town Hall Meeting
Sunday, April 7th at 11:30AM
Join us following the worship service on April 7th for 2018 & 2019 financial updates from our new Church Treasurer Andrew Evans and a general church update from our elders.