Pastor Adam is currently in Ethiopia visiting our global missional partner Ethiopia ACT & Rev. Jason Polk. Please pray for him, his team, Ethiopia ACT, the Polks, and our local mission. Click the link for a sample prayer.
Sunday, November 24th
Join us for our annual congregational meeting on Sunday Nov 24, following the worship service. In the meeting Pastor Hahne will present updates on the ministry and vision of Redeemer, the congregation will vote to elect Rev. Chris Stratton to the office of elder, and there will be an update on the church’s finances.
We have made some improvements to our Redeemer Website and App. Review and download our updated church calendar.
Pastor Adam is heading to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on November 15th to visit our Missional Partner Ethiopia ACT and Rev. Jason Polk. He will be assisting with their church planting efforts and a medical clinic run by a team of doctors and nurses from Stanford and the Bay Area.
Ethiopia ACT has requested the following list of medical supplies and toys/materials for children. If you are able to buy/donate some of these items, that would be greatly appreciated!
Medical Supplies needed for their medical clinics:
Warfarin 300 mg # 1000 tab
Acyclovir 200mg # 1000 tab
Griseofulvin 125mg/5ml
Miconazole oral gel # 50 bottle
Dandruff Shampoo # 25 bottle
Adult multi-vitamin # 1000 Tab
Clean glove # 10 Box
Hand Sanitizer # 20 bottle
Alcohol swab # 5 box
Temporal Body Temperature Thermometer # 2
Child B/P cuff # 2
Toys/Materials needed for their Counseling Departments and Children's Ministry:
Toys that are black or brown in color
Figures that shows a Family setting - Father, mother and sibling
Toys of different kinds of animals and birds.
Play kitchen supplies
Miniature (dollhouse) furniture
Playing toys - ball, car, airplane, and motorbikes.
Play dough, crayons, pencil and drawing books.
Used children magazines with age appropriate pictures
Scissors and glue.
Colored pencils and drawing books.
All donated items need to be small in size as they will be packed in two suitcases. Large items will not be able to be transported.
Please donate these items at church THIS SUNDAY or by Wednesday November 13th at the church office. There will be a donation box in the chapel hall.
Thank you for considering to practically support the physical needs of Redeemer Missional Partner in Ethiopia!
CLICK HERE to watch a recent video about Ethiopia ACT.
Email Rev. Jason Polk directly if you would like to be added to his quarterly email updates -
Support Ethiopia ACT's Family to Family Sponsor Program
The Family to Family program is a sponsor program in which a donor family can support and provide for a family's needs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Q & A Discussion over Coffee
Sunday, November 3 We invite you to stay after the service to join Pastor Josh for a coffee and a 20 minute Q & A discussion of Nahum. The nursery & one additional childcare worker will be available during the discussion to provide childcare.
Daylight Savings Time Change
Daylight Savings Time ends this SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd. Remember to set your clocks back 1 hour before you go to sleep on Saturday night so you are on time for worship on Sunday.
Ethiopia ACT Video
Click on the image below to watch a new video from our Missional Partner Jason Polk on the ministry of Ethiopia ACT.
Learn more about Ethiopia ACT -
Email Jason Polk directly if you would like to be added to his quarterly email updates -
Redeemer 101
Saturday, 12/7, 2:00pm - 5:00pm, Church Office in Newport Beach This seminar is the first step in becoming a member of Redeemer. Whether you have attended Redeemer for 1 week or 5 years, this class is designed to teach you the basics about Redeemer and give you a forum to ask questions. The seminar will give you an overview of Redeemer’s identity, membership, doctrine, history, and ministry opportunities. Please sign up below if you plan to attend. Contact Adam Feichtmann,, if you have questions.
CLICK HERE to Register online.
Food Drive
Bring your packed bags of healthy non-perishable food items to church this Sunday (also baby food, diapers, and personal hygiene items). Temple Bat Yahm is hosting a food drive for Yom Kippur and we would like help join their efforts as they help support local Orange County organizations who are serving the homeless and needy. If you have any questions please contact Alex Chiu
Women's Fall Retreat
We are excited to announce that registration is now open for our annual Fall Women's Retreat!
Location: The beautiful and peaceful Carlsbad Inn in Carlsbad.
Dates: November 15 - 17, 2019
Speaker: Karen Hodge, Coordinator for the PCA Women's Ministry
Theme: Sanctification - What it means to be transformed from a life-taker to a life-giver.
Deep in our hearts, we know our influence within each situation and relationship. Sometimes we are life-givers and sometimes life-takers. Based on her book Transformed: Life-taker to life-giver, Karen Hodge will lead us through a retreat on sanctification using Romans 11:33-36 and 12:1-2 to help us celebrate the power of the gospel to transform God's daughters into women who give life to their relationships.
The costs for the weekend retreat are $155 for 4 per room, $245 for 2 per room, $425 for 1 per room, and $99 for Saturday only.
All registrations and payments are due by October 23. Cancel before October 23 for a full refund and by October 30 for a 50% refund. No refunds will be given after October 30. Rooms are limited, so please register as early as possible to guarantee your spot.
For full or partial scholarship information, help finding a roommate or questions please contact Ashley Moore Women can also sign up at our Women's Ministry table on Sunday mornings or online at