Children Staying during Sermon May 18th

This Sunday we will purposefully be keeping our children in worship with us during the sermon time, instead of releasing them as normal. At Redeemer it is a joy to have our children worship next to us in the pews week after week. We are also grateful to have quality and gifted leaders teach them the truths of God's Word during the sermon time in an age-appropriate way. For most of us, the balance of having our children in for a majority of the worship service and out for the sermon time portion is helpful training as they express and are formed by our worship patterns. In an effort to further train our children to love the preaching of God's Word, we have established a pattern of keeping them with us during the sermon four times a year (once each season). For us to do this well, the following things must happen:

1.  A shorter sermon with simple illustrations and application must be preached. Pastor Adam will preach a condensed sermon on Psalm 136, with the emphasis being on God’s enduring love and our response of giving thanks.

2.  Inform your children ahead of time that they will be staying with you for the sermon. Read through the passage before the worship service and encourage them to listen to the preacher, and especially to his stories. You can even encourage them to ask you questions during and after the sermon.

3.  Grab a children's handout if it will help. When you enter the chapel on Sunday, there will be a children's handout related to the sermon passage on which they can answer questions and draw. Encourage your upper elementary children to use their own Order of Worship for taking notes, but feel free to grab a handout and crayons for your lower elementary children.

As usual, childcare will be available for children 3 years old and younger.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email our Assistant Pastor, Adam Feichtmann,