Redeemer’s jr high and high schoolers are planning to kick-off the fall with our 4th annual overnight beach campout at San Clemente State Park. They will build relationships with one another as they camp under the stars, study the Bible, roast s’mores around the bonfire, go surfing, play games and hang out with friends. This experience will not only be memorable and impactful, it will also be well-supervised and SAFE with quality adult leaders.
Dates: Friday – Sunday, October 21 – 23
Location: San Clemente State Beach Campground
Cost: $50 per camper
Drop-Off: Friday, 4pm, Feichtmann House, Costa Mesa
Pick-Up: Sunday, 10:10am, Temple Bat Yahm (in time for middle hour and 2nd worship service)
Contact: Joey LeSuer,
Please complete the following:
- Online Registration Form
- $50 cash or check (payable to Redeemer with the memo “Youth Fall Campout”)
- Minor Participation Authorization and Consent Form
- 2016/17 Medical Information Form (If you have already filled this out you do not need to do it again.)
Forms and payments may be submitted to Joey LeSuer,, or Adam Feichtmann,
What To Bring
Needed Items: Bible, notebook, pen, flashlight, sleeping bag, pillow, toilettries, warm and cool clothes, jacket, board shorts, modest one-piece swimsuit (no tankinis), beach and bath towels
Optional Items: surfboards, boogie boards, beach toys, etc.
Please pack lightly and only what you plan to use.