As the fall kicks off, we are excited to offer robust programs for both our children and youth at Redeemer. Please mark your calendars with the following details.
Sunday School
Starting September 14th, at the same time as our adult and youth classes (9:00 AM), our fall Sunday School program will kick off. This year our children will be using the Show Me Jesus curriculum. This is a great and well-respected curriculum that every week points our children to the person and work of Jesus Christ through biblical teaching, singing, and prayer.
Sign up your children for Fall Sunday School HERE.
Children's Worship Program
On September 14th we will also start our new sermon time curriculum from Trinity Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville, VA. Through story, habit, and art this program is designed to help our children to be engaged and drawn into worship. Be on the look out for take-home parent handouts in the weeks to come to better follow up with your children throughout the week.
Download the Redeemer Youth Fall Calendar HERE for all weekly and event details.
This fall on September 14th our jr. high and high schoolers will continue to gathering at 9:00 AM before the worship service for monthly breakfasts and regular Scripture and Catechism class. We will be using the New City Catechism curriculum.
Sign up your youth for fall Sunday morning classes HERE.
Our mid-week youth community group this year will be meeting on Tuesdays (7:00-8:30 PM) at Vitaly Cafe at The Camp in Costa Mesa. FREE gelato or hot chocolate will be bought for students each week as they gather to study the Bible, pray, play games, and build healthy relationships with peers.
Beyond our weekly Sunday and Tuesday gatherings we are excited to offer our annual Fall Campout in Malibu on October 3-4, a family gathering in November, and our annual Ugly Sweater & White Elephant Christmas Party on December 5th. Please see our calendar for more details. If you would like to register for the Fall Campout, please contact Adam Feichtmann,
If you have any questions about the children or youth programs, please contact Adam Feichtmann ( / 949.423.8692).