Women's Paint Night

Tuesday, May 17, 7:00 pm Join us for a women’s paint night! Whether you are an experienced artist or you haven’t picked up a paintbrush since kindergarten, come get your creative juices flowing. All supplies will be provided, so just bring yourself. We will gather at the home of Leslie Watkins in Newport Beach, and enjoy refreshments and fellowship as we paint together. Contact Ashley Moore, ashley.moore05@gmail.com, with questions.

Redeemer 101

Join Pastor Adam Feichtmann for our upcoming Redeemer 101 class. Dates: Sundays, May 15, 22 and June 12 Times: 10:10-10:50 AM Location: Room #9 in the Multi-Purpose Area at Temple Bat Yahm (Follow the signs in the courtyard.)

This class is the first step in becoming a member of Redeemer. Whether you have attended Redeemer for 1 week or 5 years, this class is designed to teach you the basics about Redeemer and give you a forum to ask questions. The class will give you an overview of Redeemer’s identity, membership, doctrine, history, and ministry opportunities.

Contact Kem Erskine, kem@redeemeroc.org, to sign-up or if you have questions.

Ethiopia ACT Trip 2016

"When I was four months pregnant my husband went to jail and I found out that my 5-year-old son and I were infected by the HIV virus. Can you imagine the misery of that moment in my life?" – BirhanEthiopia 2016 area Andy Warren, the Founder and Director of Ethiopia ACT shared with me that on top of the pain of separation and the economic crises due to Birhan’s husband's imprisonment, learning of her and her son's HIV status led her to consider either abortion or suicide as a way out. It was only the fear of leaving her son behind without a caretaker that stopped her from taking her life.

Birhan decided to try to care for herself, her son and the baby she carried, but her financial situation continued to decline. She often sent her son to school with nothing to eat for lunch. When she safely delivered a baby daughter she named her Hiwot, which means "life," hoping that she would bring new life to their family.

Birhan's hopes came true. The health center where Hiwot was born referred her to the Ethiopia ACT Project, and this became a turning point in her life and for her children. Birhan's story is similar to most of the people's in the Ethiopia ACT Project that we interacted with and served last week in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Through Ethiopia ACT, families like Birhan’s are not only being served through medical clinics, counseling, rent assistance, clean drinking water, income generating activities (IGA) training, and school supplies; they are coming to faith in Jesus Christ through Ethiopia ACT’s church plant and Bible studies.

From April 6th – 16th, a team of 5 of us from Redeemer (Adam Feichtmann, Daniel Washburn, Emily Patterson, Kristina Fertala, and Martha Aubuchon), joined by a team of 4 doctors from Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, assisted the 21-person staff of Ethiopia ACT in running medical clinics, church planting, Bible studies, home visits, children’s activities, and church networking support. Our team was kept healthy and the group dynamics were excellent. Even though the days were long, they were rewarding, enjoyable and full of laughter.

Global Partner Jason Polk & Family

In addition to the daily service activities it was also a pleasure to spend time with and encourage our global partner Jason Polk who lives in Addis Ababa with his wife, Liz, and their three children: Nathan, Isaiah, and Anna. The Polks are doing well. Ministry in Ethiopia has its challenges, and the Polks have dealt with some serious sickness this year, but this season is on the up and they are looking forward to what God has in store for them in life, marriage, parenting, and ministry for the rest of 2016.

Trip Highlights

Five big highlights of our trip were:Ethiopia 2016 boys

  1. Hearing the news that 5 individuals that visited our medical clinics professed faith in Christ for the first time and were connected to a local Ethiopia ACT network church.
  2. Learning how much the government officials of Addis Ababa respect the work Ethiopia ACT is doing for their city and people.
  3. Doing home visits (in mud and straw homes) to the Ethiopia ACT Project beneficiaries. Hearing their stories, receiving their hospitality, and praying for them.
  4. One morning I had the opportunity to lead a Bible study for the Ethiopia ACT Project beneficiaries. There were 15 individuals in attendance. Only 4 of them were professing Christians, a majority were nominal/cultural Orthodox, but another 4 of them were Muslim women in the full garb! The 11 non-Christians, especially the Muslims, came every week to hear a “word of encouragement.” It just so happened that each week that “word of encouragement” is in the form of a Bible study and centers around the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  5. Attending the Suki Church Plant that has been having Sunday morning worship services for 1 year now, with 30 adults and 50-70 children. A majority of their members are new Christians that came through their medical clinics, and 75% of them are illiterate.

God is doing amazing things through the faithful ministry of Jason Polk and the Ethiopia ACT staff. It was a privilege and blessing for us to serve alongside them.

Prayer Requests

  • Ethiopia ACT is in the process of renewing a three-year project agreement with the Ethiopian government. Pray that goes smoothly and gets approved this summer.
  • Pray for Jason Polk, Liz and their three kids; for their marriage, parenting, and church-planting ministry with Ethiopia ACT. Pray specifically for a trip Jason has next month in Turkey to be trained further in how to church plant and minister in a combined Orthodox and Muslim context.
  • Pray for growth in number and maturity at the Suki Church Plant.
  • Pray for the Redeemer team members. For them to transition back to California well and to pull pieces of their experience back into their daily life, relationships, and work.

Future Opportunities: Stateside & in Ethiopia

2017 Trip

We are planning now for our 2017 Ethiopia ACT trip. It will most likely be in early April 2017. No matter your skill set, you can be used on this trip, but we can specifically use people with the following gifts: Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, business men and women, church leaders, children’s and youth workers, counselors, and social workers.

Business men & women needed!

One of the areas that Ethiopia ACT is looking to improve their service to their beneficiaries is Income Generating Activities (IGAs). The Ethiopia ACT staff has asked if some men and women from Redeemer with business skills can begin working at a distance (conference calls and emails) stateside with them to improve the the IGA portion of their project.

Family to Family Initiative

In June we are going to encourage our church to begin supporting the Ethiopia ACT Family to Family Initiative. This is a family sponsorship program where our families can begin supporting a beneficiary family in the Ethiopia ACT project at $55 a month. These families are the same people whose homes we visited, who sat next to us in church, and who visited the medical clinics that we ran.

If you are interested in the 2017 trip, have business skills that you are willing to offer, or want to learn more about the Family to Family Initiative, please email Adam Feichtmann for more information – adamf@redeemeroc.org

June 5th Team Presentation

On June 5th at 10:10am, during the Middle Hour, between the first and second worship services, their will be a team Presentation of our trip and an update of future opportunities, both Stateside and in Ethiopia for our church to support Jason Polk and Ethiopia ACT.

Save the date on your calendars and plan to stay late after the first worship service or come early before the second worship service on that Sunday.


If you don’t already receive regular newsletter updates from Jason Polk and/or Ethiopia ACT please email Jason directly requesting to be added to his list and/or fill out the form on the Ethiopia ACT website. FYI, these are two different newsletters, one specifically for the Polks and one for Ethiopia ACT as an organization.

More Information on Ethiopia ACT

Website: www.ethiopiaact.org

Watch a vision video from Ethiopia ACT to learn more about their work in Addis Ababa: https://vimeo.com/87844712

Theology of California Lecture

Sunday, April 24, 10:10-10:50 am Join us this Sunday to hear a lecture on the Theology of California given by Dr. Jason Sexton.  The lecture will start promptly at 10:10 AM, during the Middle Hour between our first worship service at 8:45 AM, and our second worship service at 11:00 AM in the Morgan Chapel at Temple Bat Yahm.

About the Lecture

Just at the Apostle Paul was able to walk into the city of Athens in the first century, understand their culture, engage with their theological impulses, and highlight their cultural icons, our church today needs to do the same here in California. This Sunday Dr. Sexton will be our guide to lead us on an exploration of California as a theological place and how we as a local church are to best engage with the place we call home.

About Jason Sexton

Dr. Sexton, a fourth generation Californian and ordained minister in the Evangelical Free Church of America, is a systematic theologian (Ph.D University of St. Andrews) with research interests lying at the intellectual crossroads of theology and culture, focusing on the nature of the church’s confession in its ecclesial contexts and in its variegated shapes in society. He has taught theology at Cambridge, is an adjunct professor at Cal State Fullerton, while also the Administrative Convener and visionary coordinator behind the Theological Engagement with California's Culture Project. Dr. Sexton is also the co-author, with Fred Sanders, of Theology and California: Theological Refractions on California's Culture.

Two Sunday Services at Redeemer

Beginning Sunday, April 24th, Redeemer will officially begin offering 2 Sunday morning worship services at Redeemer. Our church is growing and we want to continue to be a place where people feel welcome and known. Offering two services will allow us to have room for everyone, keeping the intimate feel of a small church. Our middle hour will allow us the opportunity to connect as a church body, so plan to attend this time too! Please see the Sunday schedule below and plan to arrive accordingly.

  • 8:45-9:50 - First Service
  • 10:10-10:50 - Middle Hour (Lectures, Classes & Workshops, and Special Events)
  • 11:00-12:05 - Second Service

Welcome Lunch

Sunday, April 24, 12:30pm  Newcomers to Redeemer are invited to lunch on Sunday, April 24th, following the 2nd worship service, at the home of David and Heather Juelfs in Costa Mesa. Whether this is your first Sunday at Redeemer or you have been coming for several months, we would love to see you there. Bring your family and enjoy lunch and a time to get to know our Redeemer pastors and learn more about Redeemer church. Please RSVP with Kem Erskine, kem@redeemeroc.org, if you would like to attend. We look forward to seeing you there and getting to know you!

Lecture on Business Ethics

Sunday, April 17, 9:00-9:50 am Join us this Sunday to hear a lecture on Business Ethics given by Dr. Scott Rae, Dean of Faculty at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. The lecture will be at 9:00AM, before our 10:00AM worship service in the Morgan Chapel at Temple Bat Yahm.

About the Lecture

Business is for the common good. It is more than a way to make money, the marketplace can be a venue for service to others. Join Dr. Rae as he explores this topics and other critical business issues from a uniquely Christian perspective, offering a vision for work and service that is theological grounded and practically oriented.

About Scott Rae

Dr. Rae is a co-author of the book Business for the Common Good: A Christian Vision for the Market Place, Dean of Faculty and Professor of Christian Ethics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. His primary interests are medical ethics and business ethics. He has authored 10 books on ethics including Moral Choices: An introduction to Ethics, Beyond Integrity: A Judeo-Christian Approach to Business Ethic, and Brave New Families: Biblical Ethics and Reproductive Technologies. He is a fellow of the Wilberforce Forum and also a fellow of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.

Redeemer Officer Nominations

As Redeemer is growing, we must also expand our team of elders and deacons to shepherd and serve the people at Redeemer. Click HERE for more information explaining the upcoming officer nomination process. Additionally in preparation for this process, the sermons for our next two Sundays will help us gain a biblical understanding on the roles of elders and deacons. Please see the process timeline below:

  • April 24 - Sermon on Deacons
  • May 1 - Sermon on Elders
  • May 1 - Officer Nominations Open
  • May 15 - Officer Nominations Close

Download Elder Nomination Form (pdf).

Download Deacon Nomination Form (pdf).

RUF Recognized as a Ministry at UCI

Guess who is now a recognized student ministry at UCI?The Lord opened the doors for us to find 3 students committed to RUF to lead us through the registration process. The university accepted our new student group proposal one week before the deadline ended for the year. Thank you for your prayers!

Mark your Calendars: RUF at UC Irvine Fundraiser

Saturday, April 16th 7:00 to 8:30 PM at UC Irvine READ MORE

Please be praying for our big fundraising event in April. We have approximately 65-70% of our support raised for 2016. Here are 4 ways you can pray and help us:

  • Come to our event!
  • Let us know of anyone who loves UCI, RUF, or who has been impacted by campus ministry that we can invite.
  • Pray that we can find a matching donor.
  • Pray for invitations to other churches to share about this ministry of the presbytery.

Bonhoeffer Lecture

Sunday, March 20, 10:10-10:50 am Join us to hear a lecture on Dietrich Bonhoeffer given by Dr. Any Draycott, Associate Professor of Biblical & Theological Studies at Biola University. The lecture will be between services from 10:10-10:50 in the Morgan Chapel at Temple Bat Yahm.

About Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Imprisoned by the Gestapo under the Nazi regime, German Lutheran Pastor-Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer felt compelled to ask 'Who is Christ for us today?' In this talk we'll explore how Bonhoeffer was influenced by a year spent in the the USA to become and remain a pacifist, and was moved by the Black church to take a stand against Hitler, even to the point of active resistance leading to his execution. How does his story and theology shape how we follow Jesus in his triumphal path to the cross this Palm Sunday?

About Andy Draycott

Dr. Draycott came to Biola University having taught Christian Ethics and Theology of Mission in Aberdeen, Scotland. His doctoral study saw him specialize in political theology oriented by mission. This reflects his upbringing in a missionary family in Brazil, as well as eight years college campus ministry in the UK and Portugal. He is passionate about understanding church life and especially preaching as engaged publically for the glory of God and the mission of his Kingdom. He also has and regularly teaches classes on Art & the Bible, Scared Space, Christian Ethics, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

RUF at UCI March Update

UCI bball Please Pray for RUF at UC Irvine Today

Today [March 10, 2016] at 12:30 PM Pacific Time, three students are appearing before the UCI Student Organization Council to make a formal request for RUF to become a recognized student organization. This would allow us to meet on campus, advertise on campus, and attend the activity fairs to recruit and meet students.

(Above is a picture of a UCI Basketball game from two weeks ago. I bought 20 tickets and took professors, students, and my family to the game.)

UCSD BrewerIn February, I was given the opportunity to speak to UC San Diego students through the ministry of Redeemer San Diego and Jonathan Kerhoulas' excellent ministry.

Last Friday, our Intramural Basketball team had our end-of-the-season dinner. Four of the guys played on our Flag Football team last quarter and five of the guys on the Basketball team were new. At dinner each person shared their spiritual background, any church/temple/mosque involvement and what spirituality has looked like at UCI. Only one of the students would consider himself a Christian. One student is nominal Jewish, one is nominal Muslim, one is nominal Buddhist, and one has only ever been to a church once in his life. Two students said they are agnostic. I am planning to invite these students to attend a 3 week spirituality discussion that will take place once a week over dinner during the Spring Quarter beginning late March. I am uncertain if any of the students will take me up on this, but I'm praying for opportunities to continue the conversation we began over dinner.

Save The Date!

Saturday, April 16th 7:00 - 8:30 PM at UC Irvine RUF UC Irvine Fundraiser We would love for you to come and support us and the ministry of RUF going forward at UC Irvine and in the South Coast Presbytery.

RUF at UCI Fundraiser

Join us for a fundraising event to help raise support for the Brewer’s and their RUF College Ministry at UC Irvine. RUF is the college ministry for our denomination. Redeemer provides 15-20% of the support needed for RUF at UCI, and the Brewer’s raise the rest of their support from other churches and individuals like you. Come hear potential ways for you to be involved in the RUF ministry at UCI. Contact Chad Brewer, cbrewer@ruf.org , with questions about this event or making a financial contribution.

Event Details

  • Date: Saturday, April 16
  • Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
  • Location: UCI University Hills Community Center, 1083 California Ave, Irvine 92617
  • What: Hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and sharing about the RUF ministry at UC Irvine
  • No cost to attend. Donations to RUF at UCI are welcome!
  • RSVP: Andrea Reinkensmeyer, areinken1@gmail.com

To see what's happening on the UCI campus with the Brewer's and RUF, read the March RUF at UCI Update HERE.

Holy Week Services

Come worship with us during Holy Week at Redeemer. See our service times and details below. If you are new to Redeemer, then click HERE for more information about what to expect.

Palm Sunday | March 20

On this day we celebrate the King who rode a donkey, yet acknowledge the pain to come.

First Worship Service 8:45-10:00 am, Chapel

Middle Hour 10:10-10:50 am, Chapel Join us for a special lecture by Dr. Andy Draycott of Biola University on Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Second Worship Service 11:00 am-12:15 pm, Chapel

Children's Ministry We will offer sermon-time classes for children through 5th grade during both worship services, and will also have children's classes during the middle hour. Nursery childcare for children under 3 years will be available throughout the morning for both services and during middle hour.

Maundy Thursday | March 24

This beautiful and solemn service will focus your mind and grip your heart through singing, silence, scripture, and a powerful Lord’s Supper experience. READ MORE

Worship Service 8:00-9:00, Chapel

Due to the late start time, childcare will not be provided during the service.

Resurrection Sunday | March 27

Our Easter service is a rich celebration of joy, where the despair of death flees before the bursting forth of new life.

First Worship Service 8:45-10:00 am, Chapel

Middle Hour 10:10-10:50 am, Chapel Hall and Lawn Join us for an Easter Celebration! All are invited for some light refreshments in the chapel hall and our children are invited to participate in an Easter egg hunt on the lawn.

Second Worship Service 11:00 am-12:15 pm, Chapel

Children's Ministry We will offer sermon-time classes for children through 5th grade and nursery childcare for children under 3 years during both worship services.

A Parish Thanksgiving Story

It was Thanksgiving 2015. We had 38 people attend, which included 3 families of relatives, 4 Redeemer families, 2 neighbor families and 1 ex-Stroller Strides family. My challenge was keeping food and people warm as this size of dinner could not be in our condo and the high was in the low 60's. After 7 trips to various stores over a 2-day period (twice to Lowes, twice to Costco, twice to Smart & Final and once to Ralphs), we were finally prepared for the day. I think the most encouraging things about the dinner were the following:

  1. The Lord blessed Lynsey and I with a fair amount of peace as we prepared for and hosted the dinner, despite all the unknowns of how many people would come, what side items they would bring and how to manage it all when we're not used to hosting parties;
  2. We had a great mix of guests that demonstrated how God is using us in our various touchpoints;
  3. We had 1 neighbor family (that just moved in last week and we had never met) RSVP by email almost an hour after the party started - we now know their names, a little bit of their story and they feel more engaged in their new neighborhood;
  4. The after dinner kickball game was fun for kids as young as 3 all the way through adults as old as me (and no injuries); and
  5. The last minute propane powered firepit that I bought the day before ended up being a great gathering place for the adults to warm their hands as it started to get dark as well as for the kids to get creative and find some sticks in the park and utilize the mini marshmallows at the hot chocolate table for some fire roasted mini marshmallows.


We're actually encouraged enough to try it again!

Shawn Monterastelli Central County Parish Chairman

PCA Women's Conference

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then..." Redeemer women are invited to the regional PCA Women’s Conference, “Transformed.” The purpose of the conference is to provide an accessible (geographically, spiritually, financially, generationally, and ethnically) opportunity to encourage and equip all the women of the PCA. Women of all ages are welcome to join us as we seek to be Transformed through studying Romans 11:33-12:2 together.


  • Conference: Saturday, April 23, 9am-3pm
  • PreConference Training: Friday, April 22, 7pm-9pm
  • Location: New Life Presbyterian Church, Fullerton
  • Keynote Speaker: Nancy Guthrie


  • Early Registration (by March 11) - $50
  • Registration (March 12-April 8) - $75
  • Friday Pre-conference Trainings - $25 each
  • READ MORE OR REGISTER NOW on the PCA Conference Transformed website.


Contact Stephanie Handley, srhandley@gmail.com, on our Redeemer Women's Ministry Committee with questions.

Maundy Thursday Service

Thursday, March 24, 8:00 pm, Chapel at Temple Bat Yahm Maundy Thursday is a beautiful and solemn service that will focus your mind and grip your heart. After singing, silence, and a short meditation on a passage of scripture, we take the Lord’s Supper, prayerfully and seated at tables. For many this is one of the most powerful and rich communion experiences. At the conclusion of the service the communion tables are ceremonially stripped and we leave in silence and darkness. Symbolically this darkness and silence is broken with the shout of “He is risen!” at the opening of our Easter worship the following Sunday.  Due to the late start time, there will be no childcare provided during the service.

Also join us for worship on Easter Sunday, March 27th. Service Times will be at 8:45am and 11am. Read More

If you are new to Redeemer, see our Guide to Your First Visit.


2 Services on Palm Sunday & Easter

It's official! There are more people at Redeemer than seats in the building. With 270 members plus 50 people actively visiting the church, and only 260 seats, we cannot all fit at the same time. To accommodate this increase in attendance on Palm Sunday and Easter, we will be holding two worship services on both Sundays.


The schedule for both Sundays will be as follows:

  • 8:45-10:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:10-10:50 am - Special Events (See below.)
  • 11:00 am-12:15 pm - Worship Service

We will return to our regular schedule with 9am classes and one 10am worship service on Sunday, April 3rd.

Special Events

We are offering two special events during the time between our services on these Sundays:

  • Palm Sunday, 3/20 - Lecture by Dr. Andy Draycott of Biola University on Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • Easter, 3/27 - Fellowship gathering with refreshments and an Easter egg hunt for the children

Between Palm Sunday and Easter we will also have our annual Maundy Thursday service on March 24th. READ MORE about this beautiful and solemn worship experience.

We look forward to celebrating with you this Easter season!