Art Reception & Translating the Bible Lecture with Professor Robert Alter

Sunday April 3rd 4:00 - 6:00pm at Fieldstead & Co in Irvine

RSVP required by Monday March 21st

You are invited to an art reception from the Ahmanson Gallery where they will make use of their dual gallery spaces to host two exhibitions. One room will feature a reprisal of still small voice: British Biblical Art in a Secular Age (1850-2014), which was last shown at The Wilson in Cheltenham, England, in 2015,
and includes work from some of England's premier artists such as Stanley Spencer, Eric Gill, Barbara Hepworth, and Henry Moore. In the second room, a new show, Fearful Importings: William Kurelek and the Moral Imagination, will feature one of Canada's best-loved and most prolific artists. Kurelek's paintings of domestic life, Canada's ethnic heritage, and his Christian faith, though often whimsical convey messages of his deeply-felt moral convictions.

Following the art reception, a lecture on Translating the Bible will be given by Professor Robert Alter. He is Professor of the Graduate School and Emeritus Professor of Hebrew and Comparative Literature at the University of California at Berkeley, where he has taught since 1967. His twenty-four published books include two prize-winning volumes on biblical narrative and poetry and award-winning translations of Genesis and of the Five Books of Moses, and the recently-completed, three volume translation of the Hebrew Bible.

If interested in attending, please RSVP to Ann Hirou