Ethiopia ACT / Jason Polk Spotlight Presentation

Sunday, April 3rd - Directly after the worship service

All are invited to hear the latest update and learn more about our global partnership with Ethiopia ACT/Rev. Jason Polk from Pastor Adam Feichtmann. Ethiopia ACT is an organization in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia that works to reconcile people to God through Jesus Christ, and to reconcile them to themselves, others and creation—all resulting in the planting, growing and maturing of churches that in turn transform lives and communities through faithful witnesses to the Gospel.

Jason Polk, an ordained PCA minister, together with his wife Liz and their four children, is the family that we directly support, as he oversees the spiritual care for Ethiopia ACT and its work to grow a gospel-centered church planting movement among the poor communities of Addis Ababa.

CLICK HERE for more information on Ethiopia Act