We are excited to announce that we have new church app available in the the Apple, Google, and Amazon app stores! In the app you will be able to give electronically, listen to the latest sermons, follow our morning and evening daily prayers, be in the loop for our upcoming events, and much more. Download it now.
Fullerton Mission Serving & Prayer
We are a missionary people, formed by love to love.
We recently commissioned our Fullerton Launch Team by praying for them so they can go forth and establish a new congregation in Fullerton. But this team does not go alone. Even if you don’t plan on attending Redeemer Fullerton, you can still play a critical role in launching the new church in one or more of the following ways:
- Joining the prayer team. We want 100 people to commit to praying regularly for the new church.
- Serving in Fullerton for a season. Would you be willing to join the Fullerton greeting team, set up team, run the sound board, or help in the children’s ministry or nursery for 6 months, 12 months or even longer?
- Serving at Redeemer in Newport Beach. There will be volunteer needs on Sunday morning as our Fullerton members who are currently serving redirect their time and energy to the Fullerton launch. Consider serving on our greeting or set-up teams or helping with children's ministry.
See the link to the sign up form below to let us know how you would like to engage in this mission in Fullerton. Let's do something great together!
RUF at UCI May 2018 Update
The school year for RUF at UC Irvine is coming to a close! We have 3 weeks left before students leave for summer jobs, internships, and travel. I wanted to update you on a few things:
1) Praise God! We have a rental home for 2018-2019. The search for a home took us much longer than we anticipated but the Lord provided... as He always does! (below)
2) The Lord answered our prayer to have a ministry to 50 students for this year.
3) We had a great local fundraiser for RUF at UC Irvine on May 5th.
***A family very generously gave us a $20,000 matching grant. As of today, $14,600 has come in from the May 5th fundraiser. If you would like to give to help us reach the goal of making our $20,000 matching grant you can give by clicking on the "Give to RUF at UCI" button (below).
Youth Update for Fall 2018
Attention Youth Families: Here are some exciting things happening for our youth students this Fall. If you student is in 6th-12th grade (or going into 6th-12th grade) see some of our highlights below.
Sunday Light Brunches & Small Groups
As you may know, as of Sunday, May 20th, Redeemer will have only one worship service at 10:00am. Therefore, the Middle Hour will no longer exist. However, we still really wanted to make sure our youth are connecting with one another and the youth leaders on Sundays. The creative outcome was to have a weekly light brunch and small groups directly after the worship service every Sunday starting September 9.
- Timing: Sundays 9:00 - 9:50am
- Location: Tables Outside the Chapel Hall
- Food: In addition to bagels we will be buying a variety of other bites for students and leaders to enjoy.
- Small Groups: Girls and boys will break into groups, eat a light brunch, have a short study and time of prayer.
- Parents: This will be a 50 minute student gathering each week. Our hope is for parents to grab a coffee and bagel and enjoy conversations with each other and other members and guests at Remember in the chapel and/or chapel hall.
Fall Calendar
Click HERE for our 2018 Fall Calendar! There are some very exciting upcoming events, gatherings, and studies for our students and their friends. Review it and save the dates for your calendar planning. Printed copies will be available at church on Sundays. Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
Junior High Photo Scavenger Hunt - September 14th
Fall Campout - October 12th - 14th
6th Grade Promotion
Attention Parents of 5th graders: Sunday June 24th is Promotion Sunday for students moving into the Redeemer Youth Ministry. So on June 24th and all the dates thereafter your student is welcome to join the rest of the youth group for all of their gatherings, studies, and events.
Pastoral Meetings
Pastor Adam is willing and available to meet with you as parents to help support you as you disciple your students in the community of the church. If you would like to schedule a meeting concerning something you are dealing with your student and/or would like another form of pastoral support, you may email Pastor Adam, adamf@redeemeroc.org, to set something up.
If you have any other questions about our youth ministry, please contact us!
- Adam Feichtmann, Associate Pastor: adamf@redeemeroc.org
- Brian Scholl, Pastoral Intern & Youth Ministry Coordinator: brians@redeemeroc.org
Meet our New Pastoral Intern & Youth Ministry Coordinator
We are excited to announce that the Session has hired Brian Scholl as our new Pastoral Intern/Youth Ministry Coordinator!
Brian is already a member of Redeemer and has been part of the community since last summer, so many of you may already know him. If you have yet to spend time with Brian, here is a quick introduction and description of his staff position.
Brian is a native of Virginia, graduated from James Madison University in Media Communications and is currently a student at Reformed Theological Seminary training for pastoral ministry. Brian’s walk with the Lord began at a Christian camp and flourished in college when he began to serve in his church’s youth ministry as a volunteer and then on staff. He enjoys body surfing, ultimate Frisbee, Angels baseball, and Mexican food.
As the Pastoral Intern/Youth Ministry Coordinator, Brian will spend half his time serving the Redeemer community learning general pastoral skills alongside Pastors David and Adam, leading our Sunday operation logistics, while also helping with administrative needs. The other half of his time will be dedicated to leading our growing youth ministry under the direction of Pastor Adam, both caring for our current students and empowering them to reach out to their friends. Josh Cooper, our current Pastoral Assistant for Youth Ministry, will stay on staff and continue serving the youth with Brian until August. We are grateful for the ways Josh has blessed and helped to grow our youth ministry. Although he is transitioning out of his role, he will continue to be part of the Redeemer community.
If you haven’t met Brian, introduce yourself to him on a Sunday or take him out to lunch sometime. If you are a parent of youth students, or parent of a soon-to-be youth student, please take the opportunity to get to know Brian, especially when he personally reaches out to you over the next few days and weeks.
If you want to welcome Brian personally, you can contact him at brians@redeemeroc.org.
Redeemer Congregation in Fullerton
The Session of Redeemer is excited to announce that they have officially decided to move forward with the Redeemer Fullerton church plant!
Our next steps as a result of this decision are to commission a Fullerton Launch Team and to restructure our Sunday morning worship from two to one service in Newport Beach.
- Fullerton Launch Team - On May 20th we will be commissioning the Fullerton Launch Team. We will pray for the team and release them from any responsibilities at Redeemer Newport Beach so they can redirect their time and energy to go forth and establish this church.
- One Worship Service - May 20th will also be the date we will go to one Sunday morning worship service at 10:00am at Redeemer Newport Beach.
Plan to join us on Pentecost Sunday, May 20th, at 10am to celebrate this big step for Redeemer!
Read More in this letter from Pastor David for information on the discernment process, next steps, and how you can support this mission.
Polk Update March 2018
The past month has been an encouraging time of ministry for us in spite of the surrounding uncertainties in Ethiopia. The government has declared a six-month state of emergency and we await the appointment of a new Prime Minister after our current one resigned unexpectedly a few weeks ago. We invite your prayers for our adopted nation of Ethiopia, that peace and justice would “roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing steam” (Amos 5:24). And we are thankful that God’s work and ministry endure and grow in the face of uncertainty. It has always been so with the gospel.
With love from all the Polks,
Jason and Liz
Our Suki Fellowship church plant team has been wrestling with our one-year and five-year vision, and through much prayer and discussion we have agreed on the following as our church planting goals for the next twelve months:
- Identify a new location for a “scratch” church plant and begin relationship building and an evangelistic bible study
- Help Suki Fellowship own the vision of planting a daughter church; identify a new location for a Suki Fellowship daughter church and begin an evangelistic bible study
I am simultaneously excited and a little scared of these goals. Our Suki Fellowship is still growing and maturing, and it would feel more comfortable to wait on expanding and multiplying our efforts. But at the same time, it seems that if we do not embed the vision and practice of ongoing church planting into our current fellowship now, that we will have lost an important opportunity to shape the DNA of our church planting efforts for ongoing growth and multiplication.
We invite your prayers for our planting team as we take steps of faith in the upcoming months toward two new church plant locations. God is faithful, and we trust in his leading and provision. Thank you for your partnership with us in seeing God’s Kingdom advance.
Teaching Church Planting in Kenya
Florence and Obed were two of my gracious hosts from All Nations College in Thika, Kenya, when I taught a Church Planting course there in February. Our group of forty Kenyan pastors and church leaders had a meaningful time of exploring the Scriptures, sharing experiences, and learning together.
Culture Night
“One class, many cultures” was the theme of this year’s 2nd Grade Culture Night. Nathan had an especially good time representing the U.S.A. with his display board (we actually had to make him leave at the end, as he kept saying, “Please, just one more presentation.”)
The kids amazed the crowd with their cultural dances (see blurry Chinese New Year dance at right). Liz and I have been teaching 2nd Grade music since there is no Elementary Music teacher this year. The kids sang “How Great is Our God” in English, Amharic, Italian, and Romanian. We could not have been more proud of them.
Cub Scouts Rule!
Last week I led our Wolf Scouts on a brief hike on Mount Entoto. The boys were especially interested in the massive grasshopper and abandoned hyena den we found! Scouting in Ethiopia definitely has its advantages. Pray for us as we work to expand the program to the broader community this fall.
Easter Heart Cards
Sundays, beginning March 18th
Bring hope and encouragement to an inmate this Easter by sending a Heart Card. Cards are available at the Prison Ministry table in the chapel hall on Sunday morning. This is a very easy way to touch a life and bring a lonely person the love of Christ. If you have questions, contact Lauri Fusco at laurifusco@cox.net.
Holy Week Services
Come worship with us during Holy Week at Redeemer. See our service times and details below. If you are new to Redeemer, then click here for more information about what to expect.
Palm Sunday | March 25
On this day we celebrate the King who rode a donkey, yet acknowledge the pain to come.
First Worship Service
8:45-10:00 AM, Chapel
Second Worship Service
11:00 AM-12:15 PM, Chapel
Children’s Ministry
We will offer sermon-time classes for children through 5th grade and nursery childcare for children under 3 years during both worship services.
Middle Hour classes will not meet on Palm Sunday due to the Men’s Retreat that weekend.
Maundy Thursday | March 29
This beautiful and solemn service will focus your mind and grip your heart through singing, silence, scripture, and a powerful Lord’s Supper experience. Read more >
Worship Service
8:00-9:00 PM, Chapel
Due to the late start time, childcare will not be provided during the service.
Resurrection Sunday | April 1
Our Easter service is a rich celebration of joy, where the despair of death flees before the bursting forth of new life.
First Worship Service
8:45-10:00 AM, Chapel
Middle Hour
10:10-10:50 AM, Chapel Hall and Lawn
Join us for an Easter Celebration! All are invited for some light refreshments in the chapel hall and our children are invited to participate in an Easter egg hunt on the lawn.
Second Worship Service
11:00 am-12:15 PM, Chapel
Children’s Ministry
We will offer sermon-time classes for children through 5th grade and nursery childcare for children under 3 years during both worship services. All children are invited to participate in our Easter celebration during Middle Hour.
Angel Tree is Here
Sundays, November 26-December 17
Share the love of Christ with children of prisoners this Christmas by sponsoring a child from our Angel Tree. Let’s make sure no child is forgotten. Sign-up at the Prison Ministry table in the chapel hall. Please turn in wrapped gifts by Sunday, Dec. 17th, to be delivered the week before Christmas. Contact Lauri Fusco, laurifusco@cox.net, with questions or if you want to help deliver gifts.