Join Pastor Adam and other Redeemer church members for our 3rd trip to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to work with our global partner Ethiopia ACT and Jason Polk. We are planning to go May 2-12, 2018. Depending on the make up of our team members, we plan on running medical clinics, providing counseling, hosting children’s and youth programs, leading business training seminars, and assisting in the work of the church plants in some of the poorest neighborhoods of Addis Ababa. If you have vocational or personal skills in medicine (doctors, nurses, pharmacists), business, finance, leadership and organization, children’s or youth work, counseling, social work, church leadership, and/or a simple heart to serve we would love for you to join us. Take a look at recap from our 2016 team trip if you want to learn more about the details of that trip, as there will be similar elements on the 2018 trip.
Trip Details:
- Cost: Estimated at $2,500+/- per person (depending on flights) with possible Redeemer subsidy if requested
- Who: The team will consist of members from Redeemer, Menlo Church in Bay area, and possibly some members from Trinity Presbyterian Church in Orange.
- Contact: Adam Feichtmann, if interested or have questions
We hope you will consider joining us!