"The fullness of the resurrection requires more than a day to unpack. The Easter season is a fifty-day celebration that ends on Pentecost Sunday... The Easter season is a time to let the implications of the resurrection sink in deeper, inviting us to realign our worldview and conform our living to the reality that we have been raised with Christ to new life." (From Seeking God’s Face by Philip Reinders). One way to "let the implications of the resurrection sink in deeper" is to enter into a daily practice of praying and reading Scripture. To help assist you in this practice, we encourage you to sign up for Redeemer's daily Morning and Evening Prayer emails. These emails include the Bible reading plan that is currently printed in the back our Order of Worship broken up into morning and evening readings, while also including several prayers and the liturgical drama taken from our previous Sunday morning worship services. There is also a section with suggestions for family devotions.
Setting aside time in your mornings and evenings where you can pause, rest, change gears, be reminded that God loves you, and meditate on God’s Word and pray it back to him may be hard at first (as with any practice), but over time is extremely formative and life giving.
The language in the prayers is corporate, letting you know that you are not praying or even reading the scripture passages alone, but are doing so together with your church community. The emails are created to encourage you to let your Sunday worship flow over into your daily practices. The beauty in how they are formatted is that they can be made more simple or complex as time allows.
Try starting this new habit to help deepen your joy in the resurrection. If you are interested in receiving these Morning and Evening Prayer emails
If you already have a regular daily habit of praying and reading scripture, that is wonderful and there is no pressure to change your practices. We are simply suggesting another tool for people to use.
Contact Kem Erskine, kem@redeemeroc.org, for assistance in signing up for the daily prayer email list.